Meet Rebecca Bateman, PH.D., MA (Planning)
Project Manager, “Action on systemic barriers to women’s participation in local government” a collaborative project between Women Transforming Cities, and the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) funded by Status of Women Canada
Rebecca is very pleased to be joining the WTC team! She has worked in the area of housing both as a volunteer and as an academic researcher, and is a former board member of Bridge Housing Society for Women. She was the initiator and co-author of a research project that examined the relationship between housing and the health of low-income women in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
Rebecca was also member of a research team that undertook a comprehensive post-occupancy evaluation of a high-density Vancouver neighbourhood, False Creek North. The study examined residents’ satisfaction with the design of their dwelling units as well as outdoor private, public, and semi-public spaces, focusing in particular on the experiences of seniors, women, and children.
Rebecca has worked as coordinator for the Squamish Social Planning Council, and as program manager with the UBC School of Community and Regional Planning, she managed the development and successful approval of a new professional master’s program.
She holds a certificate in project management from UBC, and is a member of the Research Ethics Board of Adler University. She is a board member with McLaren Housing Society, a member of the Queen’s Park Neighbourhood Heritage Study Working Group of the City of New Westminster, and a therapy dog handler with St. John Ambulance.