Best and Worst Cities in Canada for Women 2017”
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives 2017 Report "Best and Worst Places to be a Woman in Canada The gender Gap in Canada’s 25 Largest Cities” by Kate McInturff, lists Vancouver as 5th out of 25 cities based on economic security, leadership, health, security, education. It references the work of WTC. 67% of the population live in these cities. There is a serious lack of an intersectional lens on the data in this report because of the lack of disaggregated data in Canada. The figures might be quite different if we knew how those five areas impacted women of Asian, indigenous, black or other backgrounds. She says in Macleans today that we have to look at the statistics across Canada which show 670,000 women across Canada are underemployed and stressed the lack of a national child care program as key. She states that “in Quebec 140,000 single mothers have movlled out of poverty” because of subsized child care. We have work to do !
“The Power of Parity: Advancing Women’s Equality in Canada” June 2017 McKinsey Report
June 2017 McKinsey Report “The Power of Parity: Advancing Women’s Equality in Canada” includes a review of top structures at the City of Vancouver. It is well work reading because it talks about the role of unpaid work, mentoring, access to top management positions, increasing hours of paid work and exclusion from key sectors of the economy as critical to our situation in Canada. They state that narrowing the gender gap could potentially add $150 billon to the GDP in 2026, an increase of 0.6 % a year over the next decade. Their earlier work stated that globally addressing womens inequalities could add $12 trillion to the global economy.