In 2014, we asked municipal candidates to commit to policy reform in 11 key areas. We asked them to start prioritizing the needs of women and girls in the City and commit to action.
3 years later, we have followed up and here’s the executive summary of what they had to say about the Environment, Housing, and Violence Against Women and Girls. You may also wish to read the full report or look at the individual fact sheets in each of the three areas.
WTC has learned that city staff after consultations with the Women’s Advisory Committee and in community consultation are completing an assessment of the 2005 Gender Equality Strategy for the City of Vancouver. This will go to Council by the end of the year and hopefully with strong recommendations. Want to know where the current parties stand on these, and the other 8 key issues? Call them up. Tag them on Social Media. Stop by their office. We need to get candidates who are willing to stand up for the rights of women and girls and create a more inclusive, equitable City for everyone. Let’s set the stage for the full elections coming up Nov. 2018.
In the Oct. 14/17 Vancouver City by election for a council seat three of the nine candidates were women, none of them won. Of the Vancouver School Board election for nine seats, of the nineteen candidates twelve candidates were women and six won. Congratulations to everyone who ran.